Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Book 7 - Gardens and Firelight

After praying to Athena, I waited a while in the orchard before I travelled into the city. I decided that I had left enough time for the princess to arrive at the palace without drawing suspicion, so I went through the great gates of the city. Once inside, I little child holding a water jug ran up to me and asked where I wanted to go, and I told her that I wanted to see the king and queen. She told me about the great king and queen, then ran ahead of me, beckoning for me to follow. Strangely enough, the whole time I was running through the city, not a soul seemed to acknowledge my existence; it was as if they couldn't see me. Once we had navigated through the city, the young girl turned to me and told me that I should direct my plea for help to Arete, because she held the most power within the royal family; if she liked me, my cause would be helped immediately. I went into the palace, and the place was amazing. It looked like the god Hephaestus himself had decorated the palace. I walked into the royal dining room, just like the princess had told me to, to find the king and queen holding a feast in the name of Poseidon. I ran in the room, and threw myself at Arete's feet, and the king thought I was a god. But I managed to persuade him that I was completely mortal and I explained my cause. After hearing of my travels and needs, they agreed to see me off in their own boats, with many gifts, the next day. They invited me to dine with them, and I accepted. After a while, Arete noticed that the clothes I was wearing were ones that she had made herself and given to the princess. To this I answered with my story about being trapped by Kalypso, and how their daughter found me, washed me, and gave me food and clean clothes. They asked me why she didn't escort me into town, and so as not to get her in any trouble, I told them that it was my idea. Alkinoos then surprised me by telling me that if I stay in the city, I can haved his daughter's hand in marriage, but I had to kindly decline, telling him that I wanted to get back to my home and family. With that the feast was finished, and I was sent to an amazingly soft bed for a great night's sleep.

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