We landed on Aiolia Island, domain of Aiolos Hippotades. Here we were welcomed amazingly well, and we stayed in the town and palace. And we stayed there one whole month while I told Aiolos the stories of Troy and our journey up until now. When I was done, I asked if we could leave, and he sent us off with a bag made of bull skin that had bottled inside it some storm winds, given to Aiolos by Zeus, that could blow us home if we ever needed it. We sailed off, and for 9 days I didn't sleep, watching the bag and for land every single second. On the 9th day, when I finally saw land, fatigue took hold of me and I fell into a deep sleep. But greed took over my crew, and while thinking there was gold and silver in that bag for them, they opened it up and set the winds free. The winds sailed us back and landed us back on Aiolia Island, where at first Aiolos was happy to see me again, but after learning of my crew's treachery, he banished me from the island, fearing the bad luck bestowed upon me by the gods. For 6 days we sailed until we came upon more land, with a safe wall of mountains, and a calm bay for our ships to rest in. We came onto land, where I sent 3 men to see who inhabited the place. They found a wagon trail, and on it a girl who showed them to the king and queen of her people. But one look at the monarchs and the men knew something was up. Suddenly, the king attacked and ate one of the men as the other two ran back to the ships and told us to leave. We left the island as the cannibal tribe chucked stones at us, breaking and sinking one of our ships. We next landed on Aiaia, island of Kirke the immortal, and we were immediately drawn into a safe-looking cave. I climbed up a cliff to see where life was, and on the way down the gods sent me a buck, with great antlers, which I killed and brought to my men. Once they had finished, I sent Eurylokhos and his 22 companions to go ask for peace from Kirke. The found the palace, with tranquil wolves and lions guarding her gate that just stared calmly at us as we walked past them in fear. We entered the hall and saw her weaving as she sang. They all cried out together for her to come let them in, and she came willingly and beautifully to the door, entrancing all of them, but Eurylokhos, into her house. There she fed them and gave them a drink with a wicked potion in it, and within minutes of the crew drinking it, they turned to swine. And upon seeing this, Eurylokhos ran wildly back to the ships and told us. I then went back to the hall to get my crew back. But on the way, Hermes appeared to me, and in verse told me about a plant that could protect me from her magic. When he finished, he gave me this plant (that only immortals could pull up) and flew away on winged feet. I carried on up and entered the hall, where I was greeted by Kirke and taken to a throne at the table and given food and the drink with the potion in it. And Kirke watched happily for the potion to work, but when it didn't, she realised that I was Odysseus, the person that she had been told about, and said that she would let me go if I made love to her. I told her that I would only make love to her if she promised, to the gods, to turn my men back to human form and that she wouldn't use any more magic on either me or my crew. She agreed to these terms and we went to her room. Once finished, she had her nymph-servants bathe me and give me new clothes. Then she had me dine with her, though I wasn't hungry because I put my crew before me, and couldn't eat while they were still pigs. So when she asked why I wasn't eating, I told her that the only way I would eat is if she made them human again. She obliged, and each pig became human, and each human began to weep with pleasure. This scene went to Kirke's heart and she asked me to bring all my companions to the castle, and being only a mortal man, I had to oblige. I went down to the shore and brought all men, except Eurylokhos (who eventually followed behind) back to her palace. Once back, she asked us to stay with her forever, and as we were men, we had to consent, and we dined on food that made us forget about our homes, and we did this everyday until a year had passed. Then, one summer day, my crew reminded me of home, and I agreed that we should leave. So that nigth while all of them slept, I went to Kirke's room and told her that she must now keep her promise and allow us to leave. She told me that she couldn't hold me here if I didn't want to stay, but I couldn't go because the only way home was to go through the land of Hades and Persephone. So that I wouldn't die, she told me how to get through (by naviating different rivers, praying, and sacrificing some of the best animals). With that, I thanked her and went to sleep. When dawn spread her fingers, I woke up all my men and told them that we were leaving. Soon they were all ready, except for Elpenor, who being young and stupid had gotten drunk and climbed onto the roof, and at waking up and coming down, had fallen on the ladder and killed himself. I told them that we were sailing home, but that to get there we'd have to go through the land of death. On hearing that, they all started wailing and crying as we walked down to the beach, and when we got there, Kirke had invisibly and silently tied our black ewe and ram beside our boats...